
Unbreakable? Perhaps Not....

A friend of mine on Facebook posted this video and I couldn’t help but comment on the lesson that it provides for every organization promoting a product or service. In the video, a BBC reporter has stopped by a booth at CES 2010 to test a phone that is termed “unbreakable” by the CEO he’s interviewing. Gulp. Needless to say, the reporter does break the phone much to the chagrin of an embarrassed executive. Back to the drawing board for marketing wordsmiths at Company X! It’s a good lesson for all of us who are responsible for crafting messages. If I had to create a highway sign out of this it would read: Alert! Superlatives and adjectives can kill the best of plans. Use judiciously and at your own risk.

1 comment:

scormeny said...

Wow -- love it!!! Even the journalist looks chagrined.